Nick Loris and Dan Negea wrote in The National Interest that facts, not fear should drive Biden’s climate change policies.
“The United Nations Climate Change Conference, the world’s premier summit on climate change issues, is set to convene in Scotland on October 31. This year’s gathering, hosted by the United Kingdom’s climate-conscious government, will surely reinforce the beliefs of President Joe Biden. It will likely have a similar effect on Biden’s cabinet and many foreign leaders who view rising temperatures as not just a national security issue, but an existential crisis for humanity.
The facts, however, do not support this alarmist perspective. Careful analysis indicates that rising temperatures are a problem that must be managed, not a crisis requiring comprehensive societal transformations. The world does need prudent policies designed to mitigate the effects of manmade climate change. But these policies must not be so intrusive as to harm the American economy or cede economic and military advantages to China.“
Read the full article here.